kicking into gear - 10 september 2000

last sunday was sports day and the successive party. not much to write about there. i tried a couple of different brands of sake. monday was a day off, which i used to read a little bit and update my web page. my cd collection in japan is now online, if you wanna check it out. tuesday was pretty quiet...because of rain on the sports day, the closing ceremony was moved to tuesday, and i got to go home early. wednesday i actually introduced myself to a couple of classes at the junior high, which was pretty fun, especially since they're all first years, meaning they're very enthusiastic. thursday at the elementary school was a *lot* better than the week before. i wasn't really exhausted at the end, and quite enjoyed the barbeque the english club had, despite the fact that we cooked our hamburgers on a hot plate...friday at the junior high started slowly, with me mainly chatting with random people online and catching up on e-mail, but it ended with three classes, two of which were pretty mind-numbing. as soon as school ended, i bolted home to get ready for the mini-get-together at an osaki alt's place that night. i showered, packed for spending the night, and looked for my wallet, when it dawned on me that i had left my wallet in my desk at the junior high. d'oh. as it turned out, that wouldn't be the biggest mistake i made this weekend. so i walked back, and waited for the bus near the junior high. contemplating the ticket machine, i ran into a third year alt from furukawa with the same destination in mind, so we talked about the speech contest that day, among other things, on the way to kogota (which means "small cow rice field"). the gathering that night was fun, with lots of interesting discussion. in the end i got derailed when i discovered that my host had a copy of _our dumb century_, which is absolutely hilarious. i recall talking with the aforementioned furukawa alt about c compilers, programming, and linux, as well as multiple games of mafia. both were equally entertaining. :-) i spent the night on the couch, and woke refreshed. i also got to hear one of the asian dub foundation albums, and it's freakin' amazing. on my list of things to seriously check out. more on the rest of my weekend later...

been listening to - downset, pitchshifter, guru, nile

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