22 May, 2000

several significant things have happened since last i wrote. most importantly, i graduated, and even made it through the ceremony without nodding off, despite getting about 2 hours of sleep that night. the service itself was mind-numbingly boring, even for a graduation. there were about 1500 graduates slated to receive their diplomas, and probably 1400 actually attended. the inspirational speaker set the tone for the ceremony with a 10 minute diatribe about some dude named skeptepatoo. it was just as bizarre as it sounds. afterwards, my mom, sister, and i went to romano's macaroni grill, which is yet another part of atlanta i'll dearly miss. very rich italian food. after we got home, we all slept for hours.

the second significant happening was my move back home. the basement is still pretty shell-shocked from my abrupt entrance...clothes are strewn around my room with mad abandon, and random computer peripherals are scattered hither and yon. my mom is not pleased.

i have a good friend with whom i've been spending some time lately, but almost every time we talk, it seems very anti-climactic. i take great pride in being left-brained, and she takes great pride in being right-brained. and there's a set of topics we can discuss and both feel comfortable doing so, but underneath there lurks a sense of "is this all we have in common"? and it pains me greatly, because i want to understand her on her terms, but i'm not quite sure how to go about doing it...

vonnegut wrote that the human race is totally unable to perceive time in anything other than a limited, linear fashion, and i'm starting to disagree. it's hard for me not to things of various pieces of literature, film, and music as little time machines, revealing a tiny bit of that culture's zeitgeist. doestoyevsky has preserved for mankind the compassionate, verbose russian intellectualism; twain, the wit of the american south; tanizaki, the japanese sense of aesthetics. good art mirrors the culture whence it came so brilliantly that only fools can ignore the reflection.

i love strawberries. one of the fringe benefits of georgia's ridiculous humidity in the summer is the taste of a big, juicy strawberry as all that natural sugar hits your tongue. the best berries have this edge to the sweetness that is almost impossible to duplicate artificially (although big k peach soda comes close). i am also an unrepentant smartfood addict. popcorn and white cheddar were just meant to go together, even if the result is insanely calorific.

i got a few brochures about sanbongi (the town to which i've been assigned) in the mail today, as well as a contract for my services. sanbongi apparently has a shiny new government building, and i'm glad for the town, but i'm not quite sure why i was sent a brochure devoted to said building...

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